Here is what one of the users who have encountered this issue had to say about it on Microsoft Answers: This issue can become extremely frustrating, as the results are sudden black screens. In order to fix these issues, in today’s article, we will discuss the best troubleshooting methods available. Please follow the steps presented in this article carefully to avoid any other complications.

How do I fix display driver Amdkmdap not responding?

1. Check Windows for available updates

2. Uninstall the AMD video driver and re-install it

2.1 Update the driver manually To check for driver updates in Device Manager, do as described above. This is the most popular method of checking for driver updates in Windows 10 2.2 Re-install the latest AMD drivers: Manually updating drivers is OK if you have the time and the skills, but sometimes, the default driver installed by the system is not the best. You will need the exact driver for your graphics adapter and a dedicated solution like the one recommended below will do the job automatically, in no time si try it. ⇒ Get DriverFix

3. Use the Registry Editor

In this guide, we explored some of the best methods to deal with the Amdkmdap stopped responding error message on Windows 10. We hope the steps presented here managed to help you solve this annoying issue. If you would like to let us know if this fixed your issue, or if you have any suggestions, please feel free to let us know by using the comment section below.

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