Here’s how one user describes this issue on Microsoft’s forum: This problem seems to affect only Internet Explorer 11, as users of Chrome or Edge did not report the problem. As mentioned, the issue appears to caused by some updates in both Windows 7 and Windows 10.

How can I fix blank pages being printed from Internet Explorer?

1. Switch to an alternative browser when printing

This is just a mere workaround but you can also just copy-paste the webpage from one to another browser and print it that way. If the problem with printing blank pages appears solely on Internet Explorer, you can try and print from an alternative browser. We recommend using Opera, as this is a faster and more reliable browser. And, who knows, maybe after you’ve used it for a while, you might also consider switching to it for good. Because Opera comes with a lot of useful features that help to improve your productivity and overall web surfing experience. Besides the common features that you can find in any browser, Opera offers some exclusive tools such as integrated ad blocker, messenger tools, VPN with unlimited traffic, or battery saver. Not to mention that you can customize several workspaces or share your browser work between all your devices using a dedicated feature.

2. Uninstall the updates

However, if you still want to benefit from the quality improvements brought by these updates, you should keep them. In this case, follow the rest of the troubleshooting steps listed below.

3. Repair IE

4. Update your printer drivers

5. Disable Protected Mode

6. Relocate your user folders to another drive or location

We hope that at least one of the solutions listed above helped you fix the print issues affecting Internet Explorer. If you’ve come across other solutions to fix this problem, feel free to list the troubleshooting steps in the comment section below.

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