This guide will walk you through some simple workarounds to fix this error right after explaining the reasons for its occurrence.

Why does Madden 22 keep saying Our servers cannot process your request at this time?

There could be several reasons why Maden 22 is coming up with this error message. We have listed some of the popular ones here: SPONSORED

Server maintenance or outages – If the servers are down for maintenance or have any outages, you might receive this error. Please wait until the servers are up and running again. Internet connectivity issues – You need a sturdy internet connection to play this NFL game; however, if your internet is slow or you have some connectivity issue, you can get this error. Outdated app or missing updates – If your console or the Madden 22 app has pending updates, it might cause this issue. Check for updates for both the console and the app. Conflicting programs – Uninstall the recently installed software on your computer or console, as they might have been interfering and causing the error. Cache – If you haven’t cleared the cache on your console or for the game, it could also cause issues like these. Clear the cache and try again.

How do I fix the our servers cannot process your request at this time error in Madden 23?

Before moving to troubleshooting steps, let us go through these easy fixes to resolve the error: 

Restart your router. Restart your computer. Switch from Wi-Fi to Ethernet. Check for pending updates for Windows/Console and Madden 23 app. Make sure you have 1 Xbox Gamertag/1 PSN ID.

If these resolutions didn’t work for you, then try the below-mentioned methods to fix the issue: 

1. Check if the server is down

2. Refresh your lineup

3. Restart your console

4. Change DNS to Google Public DNS

4.1 PlayStation

 4.2 Xbox One

4.3 Computer

5. Hard Reset Xbox/PlayStation

6. Contact EA support

If nothing has worked for you, it is advised that you reach out to EA support. Explain the issue along with the troubleshooting steps you have tried so far. This way, they will be able to assist you better.  So, these are the methods to fix our servers cannot process your request at this time while playing Madden 23. Try them and let us know which worked for you in the comments below.

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