The fact that businesses are relying on the application to manage their data, they often need to delete multiple records from Excel documents. One of the users who experienced problems while deleting multiple rows reported on forums. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can use to delete multiple rows from an Excel sheet in one go.

How can I delete multiple rows in Excel?

1. Delete Multiple Rows through Contextual Menu

You can easily delete multiple rows in Excel by using the application’s built-in contextual menu. All you need to do is to select the rows you want to remove and to press the Delete button. 1. Open the Excel sheet that you want to delete rows from. 2. Select all the rows that you want to delete.

  1. Right-click the selection to open the Contextual Menu.
  2. Select Delete or Delete rows from the list of options.
  3. A drop-down menu will open on your screen.
  4. Select Delete Sheet Rows to delete the selection.

2. Delete multiple Rows using a Shortcut key

This method applies to both multiple consecutive and non-consecutive rows.

3. Delete multiple rows through cell selection

4. Delete multiple Rows by running a Macro

Change the row number references (“C4:C6”) to choose the specific rows that you want to delete. For instance, if you want to delete nonconsecutive rows (3,7,8), you can specify the range as  (“C3,C7,C8”). Specify the name of your worksheet by changing Sheet1. Finally, click the Run button or press F5 to run the script. Which of the following method worked for you? Let us know in the comments section below.