Lynx is a unique web browser, and in today’s article, we’re going to go through its features and see what this web browser has to offer.

What is Lynx in a computer environment?

Well, if you really want to know, we’re going to tell you that Lynx is actually a customizable text-based web browser for use on cursor-addressable character cell terminals. And, as another interesting face, as of this year (2022), it is the oldest web browser still being maintained, having started in 1992.

What is the latest version of Lynx?

The most recent version of the Lynx browser is 2.8.9. If you are also interested in some of the features that came with this version, we’re about to show you the most notable ones: New features (some are compile-time options):

added command-line option and options-menu item for COLLAPSE_BR_TAGS. added support for client certificates. added support for some HTML5 elements Using this change, you can jump to

. (The addition in src{0,1}_HTMLDTD.txt is copied from DIV.)