When correctly updated, you can get accurate real-time weather forecasts and other geo-location-synchronized apps running smoothly on your PC.

Does region matter in Windows 11? 

Windows 11 regional settings do not significantly affect how the operating system functions. However, features and services that depend on cultural relevance or location awareness will benefit from correctly using the right Windows 11 regional settings.  

Where can I find regional settings? 

How do I know what region my computer is in?

After you have accessed the regional settings on your computer by following the above steps, click on a region to see what region your computer is currently set to.

How do I change regional settings in Windows 11? 

1. From Settings

2. From the control panel

3. Changing the default date

4. Changing default time

5. Changing administrative language settings

How do I change decimal separators in Windows 11? 

Other than the regional settings, there are also some optional settings that you might wish to enable on Windows. We hope this article has provided helpful information in helping you change your Windows 11 regional settings and correct any errors you have been experiencing. Please share your comments and thoughts in the section below.

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