Besides, it helps eliminate a range of errors. But not all Steam games can be opened as easily in Windowed Mode. Each may require a unique method, so you must know them all. Let’s find out!

Why should I run Steam games in Windowed Mode?

Here are a few reasons why many prefer playing games in Windowed Mode:

Seamlessly switch between apps: The primary benefit of Windowed Mode is the ability to switch between apps or check notifications and other elements while gaming. Eliminates problems with resolution: Some older games tend to run better when in Windowed Mode. Otherwise, the display quality is affected. Best for multi-monitor setup: Gamers with a multi-monitor setup prefer Windowed Mode for games since it allows them to check things easily on the secondary monitor.

How do I launch Steam games in Windowed Mode?

1. Modify game settings

If the Steam game doesn’t switch to Windowed Mode immediately, restart it for the changes to come into effect. Remember, not every game offers a built-in option to switch between display modes, so you may have to try the next method.

2. Change Steam launch parameters

If the Steam game doesn’t have a built-in setting to enable Windowed Mode, you can modify the launch options. Though, this, too, has been found to fail at times.

3. Change shortcut target

If the previous methods didn’t work, another way to open Steam games in Windowed Mode is to change the Target field for the shortcut. And while you are at it, do not forget to check the best ways to boost gaming performance in Windows. Tell us which method worked for you and the game you were trying to play in Windowed Mode. In case none worked, it’s likely that the developers didn’t add the functionality, and the game can’t run that way.

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