The front of the controller houses the majority of the control buttons. Among these are the RS and LS buttons that pack many functions. In this guide, we will explain everything about these two important buttons, as we did with the functions of the R1 and L1 buttons on your Xbox controller.

What is RS on my Xbox controller? 

RS is the Right Stick on your Xbox controller. Along with the LS, they serve as small joysticks for interacting with games and the Xbox console. The RS is also known as the rumble button on Xbox controllers. This is because it can create vibration effects in your game when you press and hold it for a few seconds.

What is LS on my Xbox controller?

The LS stands for Left Stick on the Xbox controller. It is used for navigation and interaction with games, apps, and the Xbox console.  It is known to help initiate a sprint in a game when you hold on to it. Generally, it helps with movement with games and navigation within the console.

How can I fix my Xbox One RS button if it’s not working?

Most times, if the RS button is not working on your controller, it is down to a glitch with your console or a syncing problem. After you make sure to update your controller and it has fresh batteries, the fix should help restore normalcy.  The RS button is an integral part of the Xbox controller. You need it in some games to have maximum control. With this guide, you have all the information needed on the button.

What does R mean on a controller?

R on the control stands for Right. All the bumpers, triggers, and sticks on the right half of the controller fall under this category. So, the next time you hold a controller, all this will make much more sense, and it will easy to identify them.

What is R2 on the Xbox controller?

R2 is the pressable trigger button at the top of the controller, just underneath the right bumper. R2 is longer than most other buttons, which will help you identify it. The R2 button may also vibrate during the gameplay, though the option could be turned off from the controller settings. Do you want to know how to update the Xbox One controller driver? Then check our guide on how to do it with ease. Feel free to let us know if the fix above helped you get the RS button working again on your controller.

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